Leighton-Linslade Gala Orchestra logo

Welcome to the website of the

Leighton–Linslade Gala Orchestra

The Leighton–Linslade Gala Orchestra was founded in February 2017. It brings together local musicians and provides an opportunity for orchestral playing whilst raising money for local charities. New players are always welcome if you are interested in taking part.

Coming up
Concert & Cakes
Radio and TV Music
A short fund-raising concert of music from or associated with Radio and TV programmes
Sunday 28th September, 2025, 3.30pm
Linslade, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire LU7 2NR
The next Gala Orchestra concert will be another of the group's popular short Sunday afternoon fund-raising concerts. This time the Orchestra will be delving into the world of radio and TV themes – some well-known (oh, so that's where the music came from!) and some not so well-known.

The concert will be raising funds for a worthy charity, to be decided.

Again the concert will be followed by tea and cakes in the Hall, kindly provided by members of St Barnabas Church (with proceeds going to the Church).

Ticket prices and availability to come.